Table of Contents


1. RECOGNIZING the need to protect fundamental human rights and rule of law; Nation Sovereignty, conscious of the need to raise the nation to the highest level of moral and intellectual dignity, determined to evolve the means of reconciling and uniting our various peoples and rekindling the spirit of all-inclusiveness, love, mindful of the necessity of confronting and remedying the social decay that exists in the moral, social and political condition of our country; and arousing themselves to a desired state of consciousness to build a prosperous and lasting democracy;
2. The leaders of like-minded individuals in the Country prompted by a sense of duty to the nation, assembled in the Upper River Division, Basse, The Gambia on the 14th Day of February 1959 and resolved:
3. To bring together all patriotic and like-minded Gambians into a single formidable political party called the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), capable of organizing and making productive the labor and energy of the people;
4. To work together under the umbrella of the PPP to fight for the independence and sovereignty of our nation and the Establishment of democracy, respect for human rights, and rule of law
5. To create a socio-political Environment conducive to national peace and unity by ensuring fair and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities,
6. To defend the sanctity of democracy through the firm enforcement of a strict code of conduct among the members of the party and political office holders; and
7. To mobilize Gambians under the leadership of the party to build a nation responsive to the aspirations of its people,
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, MEMBERS OF PEOPLES’ PROGRESSIVE PARTY, for effective administration and the promotion of the ideals and objectives of our party HEREBY ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES the following Constitution:

Article 1 NAME

The name of the organisation shall be the People’s Progressive Party, hereinafter referred to as the PPP


This Constitution shall be supreme and its provisions shall have binding on all members and organs of the party


The motto of the Party shall be VOX POPULI VOX DEI (The Voice of the People is the Voice of God). And the slogan of the party shall be TESITO, ONE GAMBIA, ONE PEOPLE, and ONE NATION

Article 4 SYMBOL

The symbol of the party shall be Axe and Hoe


The aims and objectives of the PPP shall be:
1. To strive relentlessly to maintain the independence and sovereignty of the nation
2. To promote in the Gambian people a sense of unity and a sense of Purpose by awakening their political awareness and their patriotism.
3. To defend the democratic gains of the people and to advance towards a society in which the government is freely chosen by the people according to the principles of universal suffrage on a common voters’ roll
4. To establish a democratic Gambian State in which all men and women without distinction or discrimination, will have equal opportunity to develop according to their ability.
5. To support and advance the empowerment of youth
6. To protect our environment, conserve natural resources, and repair damages already being done to our flora and fauna
7. To support and promote the struggle for the rights of children, the elderly, and the Physically and mentally challenged
8. To develop and maintain sub-regional cooperation with all African States particularly those in our sub-region,
9. To support the United Nations, the African Union, the Commonwealth, and all other treaties that are aimed at maintaining World Peace.
10. To work with other democratic movements for the achievement of social justice and African Unity.


1. The Party is an all-inclusive party
2. Its policies are determined by the membership and its leadership is accountable to the membership in terms of the procedures laid down in this Constitution.
3. The PPP also contests elections as a registered political party drawing its electoral support from all sections of Gambian society.
4. The PPP shall, in its composition and functioning, be non-gender biased and against any form of tribalism, regionalism, and religious discrimination.
5. The PPP shall promote the principles of freedom of speech and expression of ideas


1. Any person who is of the age of 18 years or above and who accepts the objectives, policy, programmee, and discipline of the Party shall be eligible for membership provided that:
2. He or She is not a member of any other political party or any organization whose policy is inconsistent with that of the party
3. Membership cards shall be issued to registered members of the PPP and the details of the constituency and regional area in which the member resides and any available information about the local branch structures.
4. Members shall pay membership dues as may be determined by the National Executive Committee.
5. Any member of the PPP who stands in an election for local government, National assembly, or Presidential elections or acts as the election agent or canvasser of a person standing for such election in opposition to a candidate duly endorsed by the PPP shall be ineligible to be or remain a member
6. Any member who supports/joins a political organisation or party other than an organisation in alliance with the PPP in a manner contrary to the aims, objectives, and policy of the PPP shall be liable for disciplinary action.


A member of the PPP shall have the right to:
1. Defend the constitution of the PPP
2. Take a full and active part in the discussion, formulation, and implementation of the policy of the PPP.
3. Receive and impart information on all aspects of PPP policy and activities.
4. Offer constructive criticism of any member, official, policy programme, or activity of the PPP within its structures.
5. Take part in elections and be elected or appointed to any committee, structure, commission, or delegation of the PPP.
6. Submit proposals or statements to the Village, ward, constituency, region, or NEC, provided such proposals or statements are submitted through the appropriate structures.
A member of the PPP shall:
1. Belong to and take an active part in the life of his or her Village, Town, ward, constituency, and region
2. Take all necessary steps to understand and carry out the aims, policy, and programme of the PPP.
3. Explain the aims, policy, and programme of the PPP to the people.
4. Expand his or her understanding of the social, cultural, political, and economic problems of the country.
5. Defend the PPP against detrimental propaganda
6. Treat all members equally and promote gender, Religious political tolerance
7. Observe discipline, honesty to the highest level,
8. Refrain from publishing/disseminating and/or distributing any media which purports to be the view of the party without authorization from the Party executive.
9. All members, 18 years and above are advised to be registered voters
10. PPP members who hold elective office in any sphere of governance at the national, or local level are required to be members of the appropriate group, to function within its rules, and to abide by its decisions under the general provisions of this Constitution and the constitutional structures of the PPP.
11. Members holding elective or appointive position shall contribute an amount to be determined by the NEC to the running of the party organs by regular payment of dues, levies, and contribution.


9.1 The Party shall consist of the following organs:
1. The National Congress
2. The Nation Executive Committee
3. The National Central Committee
4. The Regional Congress
5. The Constituency Congress
6. The PPP National Women Wing
7. The PPP National Youth Wing
8. The PPP Diaspora Wing
9. Media and Communication Committee
There shall be a Media and communication committee to be established by National Central Committee.

Functions and responsibilities shall be to:
1. Develop and disseminate public relations materials that increase our visibility.
2. Build and maintain relationships with journalists, bloggers, that will help advance the agenda of our party
3. Create strategies to effectively engage our party members
4. Ensure digital content aligns with our Party identity and message, and assist with promotional campaign materials as needed
5. Work closely with party leader and executives members to develop and strengthen our party engagement activities
6. Organize periodic press conferences.


The site of the National Headquarters of the PPP shall be determined by the National Executive Committee.

Article 11 REGIONS

For purposes of PPP structures, the country shall be divided into the following Regions:
1. Banjul City Council,
2. Kanifing Municipality,
3. Westcoast Region,
4. Lower River Region,
5. North Bank Region,
6. Central River Region,
7. Upper River Region
The Regional headquarters will be determined by the Regional Congress.


12.1 The National Congress shall be the supreme ruling and controlling body of the PPP and The decisions of the National Congress shall be binding on all members of the party.
1. National Elective Congress shall be convened every four years at such date and place as may be fixed by the National Executive Committee through a simple majority of votes. At least three months’ notice must be given before the national elective congress.
2. The Non-Elective (Midterm) National Congress of the Party shall be convened every two years, at such date and place as may be fixed by the National Executive Committee through a simple majority of votes. Not more than three months’ notice must be given before the National Non-elective (Midterm) congress.
3. The National Central Committee shall appoint a congress organizing committee that will circulate congress information in advance, determine the precise procedure for the selection of delegates.
4. All voting shall be by raising of hands in the presence of candidates
5. All voting for elective positions or on any issues shall be by simple majority
12.2 Qualification and Disqualification of Party Delegates
1. Every delegate must individually accept and conform to the constitution, programme, principles, and policy of the party.
2. No person shall act as a delegate who has not paid his/her dues up to date
3. No person shall act as a delegate without a valid membership card
4. No person shall act as a delegate for more than one constituency
12.3 Voting delegate’s composition
1. Voting delegates at National Congress shall be from constituencies that shall be represented by not more than twelve (12) delegates duly elected as determined by National Executive Committee.
2. All members of the National Executive Committee shall attend ex-officio as full participants in the congress, but shall not be entitled to vote, unless they are also duly elected by their constituencies.
12.4 Non-Voting Delegates:
1. The NEC may invite individuals, who have made a special contribution to the Party or who have special skills or experience, to attend the Congress.
2. All members of the National Central Committee of the party
3. All members of the National Secretariats of the party


The National Congress shall:
1. Decide and determine the policy, programme, and Constitution of the PPP.
2. Receive and discuss the activity reports of the NEC which shall include the Secretary-General and Party leader, the National Administrative Secretary, Women’s Wing, Youth Wing, and Diaspora Wing
3. To consider the reports and audited accounts presented by the National Treasurer on behalf of the National Executive Committee
4. Have the right and power to review and take necessary actions, ratify, alter or rescind any decision taken by any of the constituent bodies, units, or officials of the PPP.
5. Elect the Secretary-General and Party Leader, Deputy Secretary-General, National President, Deputy National President, National Treasurer, and Deputy National Treasurer
6. Have the power to elect or appoint any commission or committee and assign specific tasks and duties to such commission or committee.


14.1 Powers
The National Executive Committee is the highest organ of the PPP between Congresses and shall have the authority to lead the Party, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
Without prejudice to the generality of its powers, the NEC shall:
1. Carry out the decisions and instructions of the National Congress and all other organs.
2. The National President of the party shall be the Chairperson of the National Executive Committee
3. Direct the work of the PPP and all its organs
4. Suspend or dissolve any Regional Executive Committee, where necessary, and call for new elections within three months. The suspension may not last for more than three months.
5. Establish committees as considers appropriate.
6. Manage and control all assets of the PPP.
7. Receive reports, supervise the work of, and delegate such functions to the National Central Committee as it considers necessary.
8. Issue documents and other policy directives as and when it deems fit.
9. Confer such honours as it may deem appropriate.
10. To enforce the constitution, Standing Orders and Bye-Laws of the party
11. Fill any vacancy during the course of the year as provided by the constitution;
12. The Leader of the Party shall appoint from among the members of the National Executive Committee a Secretary who shall be responsible for summoning the meetings of the National Executive Committee, keeping its records, and preparing necessary reports to the National Congress
13. Meet at least once every six months to hear reports from the National Central Committee on the state of the Party.
14. Convene Emergency meetings deemed necessary by the Chairperson or a resolution endorsed by ten Constituency Executives
14.2 The National Executive Committee (NEC) Composition
The National Executive Committee shall be composed of:
1. The Secretary-General who shall be the leader of the Party, Deputy Secretary-General, National President, Deputy National President, National Treasurer, and the Deputy National Treasurer
2. The President National Women Wing, Vice President National Women Wing, President National Youth Wing, Vice President National Youth Wing, President Diaspora wing, and the Vice President of the Diaspora Wing.
3. National Administrative Secretary and Deputy National Administrative Secretary
4. The Propaganda Secretary and Deputy
5. The Public Relation Officer and Deputy
6. National Women Mobilizer and Deputy
7. The National Youth Mobilizer and Deputy
8. One representative elected by each constituency and in the case of a constituency that has no National Assembly Member, two representatives
9. All Members of Parliament
10. All Members of the National Central Committee
11. All members of the National Secretariat
12. The NEC shall have the power to co-opt not more than Ten (10), additional members.
13. The National President shall be the Chairperson of the National Executive Committee Meetings
14.3 Nominations for the NEC Members
Upon approval by the National Central Committee referred to Article 18.2 (8). Nomination for National Execution Members referred to in Article 14.2(1) shall be by the following procedure:
A. Nominations for the posts of:
1) The Secretary-General and Party Leader
2) Deputy Secretary-General
3) National President
4) Deputy National President
5) National Treasurer
6) Deputy National Treasurer
B. Shall be proposed from the list of applicants by any delegate to the Congress and the presiding officer shall call for the nominations to be seconded, then such nomination shall be regarded as having been duly seconded, after which the name of such nominees shall be placed on the ballot.
14.4 All voting shall be by raising of hands in the presence of candidates
14.5 If any Regional Chairperson or Secretary is elected to the NEC such person shall vacate the Regional position. Except in a special case, where extraordinary circumstances may warrant such. However, when such a Regional officer is allowed to retain his or her NEC position, the Region shall not be entitled to an additional member on the NEC.
14.6 The NEC shall meet in a plenary session at least once every six months and shall provide broad political and Party’s perspectives to the National Central Committee.


15.1 Composition of the National Central Committee shall be:
1. Secretary-General and the Party Leader, Deputy Secretary-General, National President, Deputy National President, National Administrative Secretary, Deputy National Administrative Secretary, National Treasurer, Deputy National Treasurer, President National Women Wing, Vice President National Women Wing, President National Youth Wing, Vice President National Youth Wing, President Diaspora Wing and the Vice President of the Diaspora Wing
2. Ten Members nominated by the Party Leader
3. All Members of Parliament of the Party
4. All Members of Secretariat (Officials)
5. The Secretary-General and the Party Leader Shall be the Chairperson of the National Central Committee meetings
15.2 Powers of National Central Committee
1. The central committee shall act as the directorate of the National Executive to ensure that the direction and policies of the National Executive are duly executed
2. To supervise the administrative machinery of the party at all levels- and to take measures as it deems necessary to enforce decisions and programmes of the party.
3. To approve Candidates for National Assembly and Local Government Election chosen by the Selection Committee
4. To negotiate with other parties of any possible alliance or coalition subject to the approval of the National Executive Committee
5. To approve executive members of the youth wing
6. To approve executive members of the women wing
7. To approve executive members of diaspora wing
8. To approve members of the secretariat
9. To establish Media and Communication Committee
10. To establish National Civic Education Committee
11. Shall elect the Board of Trustees of the Party
12. The Central Committee shall meet at least every three (3) months
13. The Leader of the Party shall appoint from among the members of the National Central Committee a Secretary who shall be responsible for summoning the meetings of the Central Committee, keeping its records, and preparing necessary reports to the National Executive Committee
14. The Central Committee shall work in close collaboration with all members of the party in the National Legislative Assembly and enhance the proper working of the Parliamentary Committee
15. As the Main Directorate of the National Executive Committee, all actions taken by the Central Committee shall be reported half-yearly meeting of the National Executive Committee Plenary session for ratification
16. Suspend or dissolve any Constituency Executive Committee, National Youth Wing Executive Committee, National Women Wing Executive Committee, and Diaspora Wing Executive Committee where necessary and call for new elections/nominations within three months. The suspension may not last for more than three months.
17. Carry out decisions and instructions of the National Congress and the NEC.
18. Submit a report to each NEC meeting at least every six (6) months
19. The quorum to hold meetings and make decisions shall be a simple majority


The Secretary-General and the Party Leader shall nominate members for the National Secretariat with Term of Reference.
16.1 The Composition of the National Secretariat
1. The National Administrative Secretary who shall be the head of the secretariat
2. The Deputy National Administration Secretary
3. Not more than Fifteen Subject matter specialist to help in the smooth running of the secretariat.
4. All the subject matter specialist shall be members of the PPP
5. Any qualified party member may apply for the Subject matter specialist positions through the Secretary-General of the Party
6. All nominations to the Secretariat by the Secretary-General shall be accompanied with Term of Reference and shall be confirmed through a simple majority vote in the National Central Committee
7. The Secretary-General and party leader shall have the powers to revoke any nominations to the secretariat after consultation with the National Central Committee of which the person who was appointed will be removed from his/her position
8. The Secretary-General and Party Leader shall be an ex officio member of the National Secretariat without voting rights
9. The Secretariats shall meet at least every two (2) months
10. The quorum to hold meetings and make decisions shall be a simple majority


The National Secretariat shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the Party and shall report its decisions to the National Central Committee for ratification.


The National Central Committee shall nominate Electoral Commissioners at least two months before the National Elective Congress
18.1 Composition of Electoral Commission
1. The electoral commissioners shall elect a chairperson from among themselves
2. Electoral Commission members shall not be fewer than seven
3. The names of the electoral commissioners whose work commences before Congress shall be submitted to the NEC at least one month before the national elective congress for approval.
18.2 Duties of the Electoral Commission
1. To select counting agents for effective counting of votes.
2. To announce the results of the elections
3. To establish election procedures and dispute resolutions.
4. To receive the application for elected positions
5. To circulate congress information in advance, determine the precise procedure for the election of executive members
6. To submit all application for elected positions to the National Central Committee for approval


1. National Central Committee shall establish the National Selection Committee for the adoption of candidates for the National Assembly and local government elections.
2. The National Central Committee shall draw up regulations for the procedures to be followed
3. The National Selection Committee shall report to the National Central Committee after the adoption of Candidates for approval.
4. Regional, constituencies, wards structures for the adoption of candidates shall report to the National Selection Committee.
5. Every candidate contesting for elections must abide by the Constitution of the Party and the relevant Code of Conduct.


1. To work towards equal representation in all decision making structures, the party shall implement a programme for Gender mainstreaming, starting with the provision of 1/3 of women in all her structures to enable such effective participation.
2. The method of such implementation shall be addressed in all Party structures immediately and continuously.


With the approval of the National Executive Committee:
1. The party may acquire, manage and dispose of movable and immovable assets
2. The trustees of the party shall have the authority to manage for the benefit of the party any movable and immovable assets
3. The power vested in the trustees under subsection two (2) shall include the power to manage, dispose, or otherwise deal with such assets on behalf of the party. For the purposes of this article, the Secretary-General and the Party Leader, the National Treasurer, and the National Administrative Secretary shall jointly be the trustees of the party
4. The Secretary-General and Party Leader, The National Treasurer and National Administrative Secretary plus three others to be determine by the National Central Committee shall jointly be signatories to the party’s accounts
5. The general funds of the party shall be derived from subscriptions, donations, and fundraising.
6. Except in the case of authorized impress accounts, all funds shall be deposited in a Bank, and application for withdrawals must be signed by the Secretary-General and Party Leader or his/her Deputy.


1. The NEC shall appoint the National Audit Committee.
2. The NEC shall determine the composition and powers of the National Audit Committee.
3. The National Audit Committee shall report to the NEC at least twice a year on the finances and budget of the PPP.


There shall be a National Assembly Committee of the party which shall consist of
1. All members of representatives in the national assembly
2. The national assembly committee shall be under the direct supervision and control of the leader who shall be elected among themselves and report to the National Executive Committee on activities and general conduct of all members of the party in the National Assembly.
3. The leader shall be the chairperson of the National Assembly Committees

24.1 The Secretary-General and Party Leader

24.1 The Secretary-General and Party Leader
The Secretary-General and Party Leader is the head and chief directing and negotiating officer of the PPP. He or she shall:
1. Present to the National Congress a comprehensive statement of the state of the Party and the political situation generally.
2. Provide good, effective leadership and direction for the Party.
3. Promote and implement the policies of the Party.
4. Appoint Standing and Ad-hoc Committees members with the approval of the National Central Committee
5. Authorize expenditures.
6. Ensure strict compliance with the Party’s Constitution.
7. Make pronouncements for and on behalf of the NCC and NEC.
8. Nominate members of the secretariat with Term of Reference
9. Nominate the Executive members of the Women Wing
10. Nominate the Executive members of the Youth Wing
11. Nominate the Executive members of the Diaspora wing
12. Preside over meetings of the National Central Committee in conformity with the Constitution and by-laws.
13. Undertake the overall supervision of the NEC, NCC, and NS activities
14. Be an ex-officio member of the NEC, NCC, and NS.
24.2 Deputy Secretary-General
1. The Deputy Secretary shall deputise the Secretary-General and Party Leader and carry out whatever functions are entrusted to him or her by the National Congress, the Party Leader, or the NEC. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of the NS and NCC.
2. In the event of death, resignation, show allegiance to another Party or permanent incapacity of the Secretary-General and Party Leader the Deputy shall step in as the Acting Party Leader until next elective National Congress meets.
24.3 The National President shall:
1. Be the Chairperson of the National Congress.
2. Be the custodian of the decisions taken by the National Congress and ensure that all organs of the party implement the decisions and policies set out by Congress.
3. Carry out such additional tasks as the Congress or NEC may instruct.
4. Preside over meetings of the National Executive Committee in conformity with the Constitution and by-laws adopted by the NEC
5. Be an ex-officio member of the NCC
24.4 The Deputy National President shall:
1. Deputize for the National President and carry out whatever functions are entrusted to him or her by the National Congress, the National President, or the NEC. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of the NCC
2. In case of death, resignation, show allegiance to another party, or incapacity of the National President the Deputy National President shall assume his or her functions until the next elective congress meets
24.5 The National Administrative Secretary
The National Administrative Secretary is the chief administrative officer and the head of the National Secretariat of the Party. He or she shall be answerable to the Secretary-General and Party Leader.
1. Keep the minutes of the National Congress, the NEC, the NCC, NS as well as other records of the Party.
2. Supervise the day-to-day administration of the Party.
3. Supervise and direct all Officials of the Party secretariat
4. Ensure the implementation of the decisions and directives of the National Congress, the National Executive Committee, and the National Central Committee.
5. Be the custodian of all Party documents and materials
6. Conduct the correspondence of the NEC, the NCC, and the NS and send out notices of all congresses and meetings at the national level.
7. Convey the decisions and instructions of the National Congress, the NEC, and the NCC to the regional executive committees, and see to it that all units of the Party function properly.
8. Prepare annual reports on the work of the NEC, the NCC, and NS
9. In the absence of the Secretary-General and Party Leader and the Deputy Secretary-General, the Administrative Secretary shall assume the functions of the Secretary-General and Party Leader.
10. He/she shall preside over meetings of the National Secretariat in conformity with the constitution and by-laws
11. Carry out all other duties that may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Party Leader
12. Be an ex-officio member of the NEC, NCC, and NS.
24.6 Deputy National Administrative Secretary
1. Shall deputize for the National Administrative Secretary and carry out the functions entrusted to him or her by the National Congress or the NEC and shall be an ex-officio member of the NEC, NCC, and NS.
24.7 National Treasurer shall
1. Ensure that all revenues and expenses of the Party are properly accounted for.
2. Be the custodian of all financial and security documents of the Party
3. Advise the National Executive Committee and National Central Committee on financial matters.
4. Pay monies duly approved by the Secretary-General and the party leader.
5. Prepare and submit to the National Central Committee a quarterly Statement of accounts of the Party.
6. Ensure that all monies paid to the Party are duly receipted and paid into the approved Bank accounts of the Party within 24hours after collection, except during weekends and public holidays when such monies must be lodged on the next working day.
7. Keep general impress account the limit of which shall be determined by the National Central Committee.
8. Shall be an ex-officio member of NS without a voting right
24.8 Deputy National Treasurer
1. Shall deputize the treasurer-general and carry out functions entrusted to him or her by national congress or NEC and shall be an ex officio member of NS without a voting right.


Subject to the overall guidance of the NEC, the Regional Congress shall be the highest organ of the PPP in each Region.
25.1 Regional Congress shall:
1. Be held at least once every three years and more often if requested by at least one-third of all Constituencies in the Region.
2. Be a congress attended by delegates chosen by all Constituencies in the Region with representation from Youth and Women Wing taking into consideration Gender Equity.
3. Carry out the decisions and policies of the National Congress, the NEC, and the NCC.
4. Elect the Regional Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, and other co-opted committee members, consisting of not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) persons.


The Regional Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Regional Congress, NEC, and NCC.
26.1 REC Composition
1. It shall consist of the Regional Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, and not more than Ten (10) other persons with specific roles and responsibilities
2. The Women and the Youth Wing in the Region shall have two representatives with full voting rights taking into consideration gender equity.
26.2 Functions of the Regional Executive:
1. Carry out the decisions and policies of the Regional Congress NEC and the NCC.
2. Manage and control the funds and assets of the Party in the Region.
3. The REC shall set up constituency branches in line with national branches.
4. The REC shall operate within the official IEC boundaries of the regions
5. Shall meet at least once every two (2) months.
6. To Prepare the Regional Budget
7. To implement programs, aims, and objectives of the party at the Regional level.
8. To submit reports on the Regional activities at least every three (3) months to the National Central Committee
9. The REC shall keep its database of members and potential voters in their region


Every member of the Party must belong to a Constituency, which shall be the basic unit of the Party
27.1 The constituency shall:
1. Be the area where members exercise their basic democratic rights, to discuss and formulate policies.
2. Elect Constituency Executive Committee (CEC) every two (2) years consisting of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, and other co-opted committee members, consisting of not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) persons.
3. The Women and Youth Wing shall be entitled to two representatives each on the CEC.
The Constituency Executive Committee shall carry out the decisions and policies of the REC, NEC, and the NCC
1. To Meet and allocate tasks and functions among its members to enable them to carry out the day-to-day activities of the Constituency.
2. To Meet at least once every month
3. To Prepare the Constituency Budget
4. To implement programs, aims, and objectives of the party at the Constituency level.
5. To submit reports on the Constituency activities at least every two (2) months to the Regional Executive Committee.


All Wards within the constituencies shall coordinate the activities of the Party at the grassroots level in consultation with the CEC within a Region for effective coordination of activities and better organizational efficiency.
28.1 Composition of Ward Structures
1. The constituency committee shall establish the Ward Committees at a properly convened meeting, to elect a ward Committee which shall consist of a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Youth Mobilizer, Deputy Youth Mobilizer, Women Mobilizer, Deputy Women Mobilizer and other co-opted committee members of not less than five and not more than eight persons.
28.2 The tasks of the Ward Executive Committee shall include:
1. To meet at least once every three (3) weeks.
2. To co-ordinate the work and activities of their ward
3. To implement programs, aims, and objectives of the party at the ward level.
4. To submit reports on the ward activities at least monthly to the Constituency Executive Committee.
5. To maintain effective links with all wards in the constituency.


The Secretary General and the Party Leader shall nominate the executive committee members of the National Women Wing which shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, National Women Mobilizer, Deputy National Women Mobilizer, and other co-opted committee members, consisting of not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) persons, subject to approval by the National Central Committee.
29.1 Functions and Responsibilities
a) The National Women Wing Shall be open to women who are members of the PPP and in ensuring that the Women make a full and rich contribution to the work of the PPP and the life of the nation
b) It will operate on a National, Constituency, Regional, and Ward basis
c) Its objectives will be in addition to the general agenda of the PPP, is to advance the rights of women, and defend against all forms of discriminations and gender oppression
d) They shall be governed by the constitution of the PPP
e) Their executive committee’s members shall be confirmed by the National Central Committee by a simple majority of votes
f) The Women Wing will function within the overall structure of the PPP
g) They shall have a term of four -years
h) The activities of the women wing shall be subjected to approval by the National Central Committee of the party
i) The executive committee shall be answerable to the Party Leader and the Secretary General of the PPP
j) They should submit reports on the women activities at least every three (3) months to the National Central Committee


The Secretary General and Party Leader shall nominate the executive committee members of the National Youth Wing which shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, National Youth Mobilizer, Deputy National Youth Mobilizer, and other co-opted committee members, consisting of not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) persons, subject to approval by the National Central Committee
Functions and responsibilities
a) The PPP National Youth Wing Shall be open to all the young peoples of the party
b) It will operate on a National, Constituency, Regional, and Ward basis.
c) Its objectives will be to unite and lead young men and women in confronting and dealing with the problems that face the youth, and in ensuring that the youth make a full and rich contribution to the work of the PPP and the life of the nation.
d) The Youth Wing will function within the overall structure of the PPP
e) They shall be governed by the constitution of the PPP
f) Members of the Youth Wing over the age of 17 shall be expected to play a full part in the general political life of the PPP.
g) Their executive committee’s members shall be confirmed by the National Central Committee by a simple majority of votes
h) They shall have a term of four years
i) The activities of the Youth wing shall be subjected to approval by the National Central Committee of the party
j) The executive committee shall be answerable to the Party Leader and Secretary General of the PPP
k) They should submit reports on the Youth activities at least every three (3) months to the National Central Committee


The Secretary General and Party Leader shall nominate the executive committee members of the Diaspora which shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Women Mobilizer, Deputy Women Mobilizer, Youth Mobilizer, deputy Youth Mobilizer, and other co-opted committee members, consisting of not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) persons, subject to approval by the National Central Committee
Functions and Responsibilities
a) Its objectives will be to unite and lead Gambians living in the diaspora in confronting and dealing with the problems that they face and in ensuring that Gambians in the diaspora make a full and rich contribution to the work of the PPP and the life of the nation.
b) They shall be governed by the constitution of the PPP
c) Any funds raised by the diaspora shall be properly kept as determined by the National Central Committee
d) Their executive committee’s shall be confirmed by the National Central Committee by a simple majority of votes
e) They shall have a term of four years
f) The activities of the Diaspora wing shall be subjected to approval by the National Central Committee of the party
g) The executive committee shall be answerable to the Party Leader and Secretary General of the PPP
h) They should submit reports on the Diaspora Wing activities at least every three (3) months to the National Central Committee


32.1 There shall be National Disciplinary Committee to be established by NEC
1. All members, without exception, must abide by the Constitution, Rules, Standing Orders, and Codes of Conduct of the Party as may be adopted or amended from time to time.
2. Disciplinary proceedings against a member shall be confined to violations of the Party Constitution, Rules, Standing Orders, and Codes of Conduct.
3. Shall not be instituted as a means of solving private problems or as a means of interfering in the private lives of members where the norms of the Party are not directly affected unless such conduct itself constitutes a violation or an offense affecting the Party.
32.2 A serious offense shall be committed by any member who:
Prejudices the integrity or reputation of the Party, its personnel, or its operational capacity by:
1. Impeding the activities of the Party;
2. Creating division within its ranks or membership;
3. Commit an act that undermines the effectiveness of the Party.
4. Acting on behalf of or in collaboration with Counter-revolutionary forces such as
4.1 A political Party other than an or party in alliance with the PPP in a manner contrary to the aims, policies, and objectives of the Party
4.2 Intelligence or the security services of other countries;
4.3 Any person or group that seriously interferes with the work of the Party or prevents it from fulfilling its mission and objectives.
32.3 The following shall also be regarded as serious offenses, without prejudice to the generality of this provision and the right of the NEC to add to this category of offenses:
1. Conviction by a court of law and sentenced to a term of imprisonment without the option of a fine, for any serious non-political offense;
2. Misappropriation of Party funds or destruction of its properties;
3. Involve in any form of bribery and corruption in the name of the Party
4. Engage in sexual or physical abuse of both sexes, abuse of office to obtain an advantage over members or others.
5. Abuse of elected or employed officials in the Party or in any manner to obtain any direct or indirect undue advantage or enrichment;
6. Fighting or behaving in any disorderly or unruly manner;
7. Deliberately disrupting meetings and interfering with the orderly functioning of the Party
32.4 If in the opinion of the NEC or the relevant body exercising its right to invoke disciplinary proceedings under this Constitution, a member is guilty of the following offenses, disciplinary proceedings shall follow:
1. Any behaviour which brings the Party into disrepute or which manifests a flagrant violation of the moral integrity expected of members or conduct unbecoming that of a member;
2. Showing sexism, tribal bigotry, religious, insults and political intolerance, or any form of discrimination;
3. Behaving in such a way as to provoke serious divisions or a break-down of unity in the Party;
4. Undermining the respect for or impeding the functioning of the structures of the Party;
5. Participating in organised factional activity that goes beyond the recognised norms of free debate inside the Party and threatens its unity.
32.5 The National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) shall draw up guidelines for the interpretation of this section on discipline and for the rules of procedure.
Disciplinary proceedings shall normally be conducted at the level where the alleged violation or offense took place, namely the branch, region, Constituency, or national, and may be heard by the relevant structure;
1. Any person found guilty in a disciplinary proceeding, the defendant has the right within a reasonable period, to appeal against the ruling, to the higher body of the Party. The NCC may direct any appeal that should be heard by a body higher than the one to which the appeal has been made.
2. Penalties for proven violations of the Constitution, principles, norms, and decisions of the Party shall include reprimand, payment of compensation, and/or the performance of useful tasks, suspension, or expulsion.
32.6 Temporary Suspension
The Regional Disciplinary Committee, the National Disciplinary Committee, or the NCC having regard to the nature and seriousness of an alleged violation or offense by a member, may summarily suspend the person pending the preparation of a charge against the member and the finalisation of disciplinary proceedings against the person and he/she shall be informed of such suspension. The temporary suspension shall lapse if no disciplinary proceedings are instituted against the member. Such disciplinary proceedings shall be attended to as quickly as possible and completed within 30 days of the date of the temporary suspension.
1. Decisions relating to disciplinary proceedings shall be announced publicly.
2. The NEC shall appoint a National Disciplinary Committee from among its membership and from other structures of the Party. The decisions of the NDC shall be final except that the NEC may, at its discretion, review a decision. Such review shall be regulated by standing orders adopted by the NEC.
3. The National Disciplinary Committee shall hear and determine violations or offenses on appeal from appropriate organs of the Party. Also, the national officers, the NCC, or the NEC may refer to such violations or offenses directly to the NDC. In exceptional situations arising out of serious breaches of the Constitution, Rules, or Codes of Conduct, the NDC itself shall exercise jurisdiction to investigate and determine a complaint.
4. The NEC may authorize other structures of the Party to institute disciplinary proceedings and to set up appropriate structures to apply the provisions of this Rule.


1. The NEC shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations to carry out the activities of the Party
2. The RECs shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations for the better functioning of the Party in their respective Regions.
3. All such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the constitution of the Party, rules, and regulations framed by the REC shall only become effective when approved on a provisional basis pending approval by the NEC.
4. The NEC shall have the power to frame a code of conduct to cover all structures, officials, public representatives, office bearers, and members.


The National Central Committee shall establish a National Civic Education Committee of not less than eight and not more than fifteen people.
The National Civic Education Committee (NCEC) shall continuously, sensitize all party members and structures on membership base expansion, voting, mobilization, election, code of conduct, Party constitution, party rule ,and regulations, etc.
This Committee shall:
1. Train trainers in the constituencies for better dissemination of Party Agenda
2. Be responsible for drawing up the training manuals to be approved by the NCC
3. Supervise and coordinate with regional structures to train and sensitize members

Article 35 TERM LIMIT

The Secretary-General and Party Leader
1. There shall be a term limit to serve as the Secretary-General and Party Leader
2. No Secretary-General and Party Leader shall serve more than two (2) consecutive four (4)-year terms.


An extra-ordinary congress may be convened to remove an elected official of the Party if more than two-thirds of the National Executive Committee demands it. Elected Members shall be removed
1. If any elected official prejudices the integrity or repute of the Party or its operational capacity
2. Doing any act which undermines the effectiveness of the party
3. Create division within the ranks of the party
4. Convicted in a court of law and sentenced to a term of imprisonment /without the option of a fine, for any serious non-political offenses;
5. Misappropriation of the Party’s funds or destruction of its properties
6. Behaving corruptly in seeking or accepting any bribe for performing or for not performing any task
7. Engage in sexual or physical abuse of both sexes, abuse of office to obtain an advantage over members or others.
8. Fighting or behaving in a gross disorderly manner


1. To become the party presidential nominee, the candidate must win a simple majority of Votes. This shall happen through an extra-ordinary congress for party presidential candidate at least six months before Presidential Election
2. If the party have more than one candidates they shall be subjected to at least three public debates
3. Any member with the required criteria has the right to contest for the party presidential nominee
4. All candidates must meet the required qualifications of the electoral law of the Republic of the Gambia to become the party nominee for the presidential election.
5. A candidate that becomes the party Nominee, his/her Manifesto shall be subjected to approval by the NEC
6. The nominee for a presidential candidate shall become a member of the National Executive Committee and Central Committee of the PPP.

Article 38 QUORUM

The quorum for meetings of all the organs of the party shall be a simple majority of its membership and for decision making


Any amendment to this Constitution shall be by a two-thirds majority of delegates present and voting at the National/Extra-ordinary Congress. Notice of intent to propose any amendment to the Constitution shall be forwarded to the Office of the Secretary-General at least three months before the National/extra-ordinary Congress. The NEC shall provide at least one month’s notice for any Constitutional Amendment.


The National Central Committee shall elect the Board of Trustees of the Party made up of not more than Fifteen (15) distinguished personalities.
The Board of Trustees shall:
1. Be the embodiment of the conscience, the soul, and the sanctity of the Party, and to be the mirror of the highest standard of morality in the Party and to intervene in all disputes and crisis in the Party to ensure its stability at all times.
2. Advice when considered necessary and initiate policies for the guidance of the Party.
3. Act as Arbitrators and Mediators in disputes and ensure the enforcement of discipline under the Constitution of the Party.
4. Promote reconciliation, encourage and facilitate the settlement of disputes in an amicable manner amongst Party members
5. Ensure that peace and tranquility prevail in the Party and when necessary intervenes to restore absolute peace.
6. Convene the National Congress of the Party with the concurrence of two thirds (2/3) of its membership, where there is any situation that prevents the National Executive Committee from functioning.
7. Regulate its proceedings and shall draw up a Code of Conduct for its members to observe.
8. Perform any other functions assigned to it by the National Congress.
9. Elect its Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, and other officers among themselves, as deemed necessary, to formulate its own Rules and Procedures to regulate its meetings and activities.
10. The Board of Trustees shall be in office for a period of four (4) years subject to renewal for another four years at the National Central Committee


1. An extraordinary congress of the Party shall be convened by the NEC at any time with a stated purpose.
2. Not less than one month’s notice of such congress shall be given.
3. Participation at the Extra-Ordinary Congress shall be determined by the NEC


The party shall endeavour to publish its literature, magazines, pamphlets, books, etc. as and when necessary


All voting in the PPP shall be by raising of hands in the presence of candidates


The National Executive Committee of the Party shall decide which policy from the Party Programme shall be included in the manifesto, which shall be issued by the National
Executive Committee before every Presidential, National Assembly, and Local Government Elections of which the PPP decide to contest

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